Palestine war / first Middle East War - Window of the World History


[High school World History B] [Middle East war] (practice ed.) | ...

Palestine war / first Middle East War - Window of the World History The first as soon as the next Middle East war After the war, the United Nations announced the Palestine Proposed Separation, we proposed to divide the Palestinians in the Arab region and the Jewish area. He founded the Israel welcomed this Jews. On the other hand Arabs rallied to this, the next Middle East war broke out a year. Year, President Nasser of Egypt was declared the nationalization of the Suez Canal. UK rebounded to this, was attacked Egypt invited the France Israel (the next Middle East war). This war will soon become a cease-fire, fought Nasser became a hero of the Arabs. The first as soon as the next Middle East war Year, the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) has been formed for the purpose of releasing the Palestinian to be dominated by Israel. Then, Israel began the first next Middle East war to launch a pre-emptive attack on Egypt Syria Jordan a year. Israel victory in this battle, was occupied, such as the Sinai Peninsula and Gaza Strip. Year, began the second next Middle East war in Egypt and Syria is pre-emptive attack Israel.

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