Palestine war / first Middle East War - Window of the World History


Iraq war prehistory - the Palestinian problem - Keio University

Palestine war / first Middle East War - Window of the World History Iraq war prehistory - the Palestinian problem Faculty of Economics, Keio University extension near charge Palestinian issue has become a basso continuo in the war on terror]. This more details, my book about it - please refer to the "political economy of the war on terror of whether war has brought anything that does not end." () Israel's founding and Daitsugi Middle East war Date, the United Nations General Assembly, set the Palestine Mandate deadline by the UK, adopted a resolution to divide Palestine into Arab national Jewish state Jerusalem international management district. The figure below shows the area of ​​the Arab nation and Jewish state indicated by the resolution. The total population of Arabs in about 000,000 people at the time of the Palestine region /, but the Jews was /, the population ratio of Jews who lived in Palestine in the mid-century has been estimated to be ~. Under British colonial rule, is of Palestinian settlement is carried out population ratio of Jews began to rise with the aid of the Rothschilds, et al.

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