Palestine war / first Middle East War - Window of the World History


Upheaval of West Asia that - Middle East war and the Middle East ...

Palestine war / first Middle East War - Window of the World History Upheaval of West Asia - Middle East war and the Middle East peace - West Asia during the Second World War, although Syria Lebanon Jordan of independence has been brought about, the Palestinian problem remained. The contents of the Peel report, the Palestine, that each divided into the Jewish state and the Arab nation, is a proposal to recognize the Jewish state, the Arabs in the opposite was intended to be even more anxiety. Years of war also became the last stage, the Arab people, encourage cooperation and unification of Arab nations, Egypt advocated, Arab League (Arab countries League) was formed. Formed at the time of the participating countries were countries of Egypt Iraq Saudi Arabia Lebanon Syria Jordan Yemen. Palestine has been a mandate territory of the United Kingdom. Against the background of the British forces, while expecting the reconstruction of a long-cherished dream Jewish state of Israel to expand the Zionist movement, by, for example, buy up Arab land, because he went by expanding its forces, many of the Arabs lost territory agriculture It became.

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